Park Güell

 A little bit of information here : Park Güell is a garden complex with architectural elements
 situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona.
 It was designed by architect Antoni Gaudíand and built in 4 years.
 Park Güell is part of the UNESCO World Heritage. 
Before going to Barcelona I said to myself that 
visit this park is my main task in the list of things to do.
(The other tasks were : beach, sun, chatting with Robert, beach, beach, sun,
 beach, dinners and discos, beach, wandering the streets in Barcelona,
 beach, dance, taking pictures, sun, beach.)
View at the main entrance of the park
The most complete view of Barcelona and the bay.
 It is possible to view the main city in panorama  with the Sagrada Família and the sky blue sea.
The focal point of the park is the main terrace, 
surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent.
It offers you to have a little relaxing pause and 
a harmony feeling no matter all the other noisy tourists around.


  1. looks amazing, I would love to go at some point, also loving seeing the blue sky and sunshine

  2. 1) Puikiai atrodai toje saulėtoje ispaniškoje aplinkoje.
    2) Ir pažiūrėjusi tavo foto užsimaniau geltono nagų lako.:)

    ir 3) Ojojoj, kad mums taip nors truputuką tos saulės ir šilumos Liuksemburge...

    1. 1. Aciu ;)

      2. O su nagu lakais pradejau zaisti dar Briuselyje, kada vasaros menesiai visiskai nelepino saule.
      Ir spalvos buvo vienintelis budas bent kiek pasijusti vasariskai :))

      3. Kaip orai Liuksemburge? Ar pasitaise? Briuselis jau sildosi saules spinduliuose. Jei ka, pabandysiu atsiust bent kiek silumos ;)))

  3. Man labai patinka Park Guell ir siap visa GAudi architektura. O geltonas nagu lakas labai dera prie spalvoto peizazo.:)

    1. Laurute, kas labiausiai patiko is Gaudi kuriniu?


Thank you for nice comments!♡